ONE DAY Beckenham Model Railshow 2025

Forest Hill Boys School, Dacres Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 2XN.

Saturday 29th March 2025 10am - 4:30pm

BIGGER VENUE - Beckenham & West Wickham MRC are proud to announce we moved to bigger venue which will allow us to bring you more layouts (around 20), Demos and traders. The venue is Forest Hill Boys School - the 75 bus stops about 100 yards from the entrance, and it's only 15mins walk from Forest Hill & Sydenham Stations which has 9 local bus routes give you better connections. BWWMRC Would like to thank our sponsors for helping with this venue - Bachmann, Kent Garden Railway, Harrison Brown Models, Heritage in Motion & Invicta Model Rail.

£10.00 per Adult, Children (up to 16) accompanied by an adult free.

Click here for more details.

Click here for advanced tickets £8.00.


Currently we meet on Thursday evening from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. See club meetings page.

The Beckenham and West Wickham Model Railway Club, located in south east London in the UK, was founded in 1950 and is an active club promoting all aspects of railway modeling. We have a number of layouts from N gauge up to O gauge.

Please explore this site to learn more about the club and its layouts. We host an annual exhibition in October. This is your chance to come along and see the results of our hard work and hopefully to pick up some tips or ideas. Our layouts are also regularly exhibited at model railshows across the south east.

If you have an interest in transport or model railways, perhaps you should consider joining us. We might be able to solve a few problems or you may have some great ideas for us. Even if you are more of an armchair modeller, the club provides a friendly atmosphere to discus all things transport.

Please Contact Us for further details.